Friday, July 25, 2008

Funny how a day can pull a 180...

After the fun that was reading the survey results of engineers, my day went to hell. Put the survey report together and found out it was in the wrong format. I switched it into another acceptable format but it's still bugging me 5 hours after the fact. I take stuff like that pretty hard. Oh well... hopefully everything will work itself out.

Spent a little bit of time with the lady in Bryant Park before capping our night off at Applebees, helped to calm me down a bit and cheer me up.

The song "Cheer" by The Descendents comes to mind after the events of today, check it out, it's good.

Umm I took more photos, film is taking over my life:

Caped scAvenger

Adios brother

One day, play will be replaced with work

And I'll get to Scotland before ye...

And having nothing to do with a trip to Coney Island:


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